Beta-carotene is an essential nutrient for the body to function properly. When given in appropriate amounts regularly. It may help maintain health in the following areas:
1. Protect the skin from UV rays
UV rays (UV: Ultraviolet) are the rays that come with sunlight. Excessive exposure to UV light can result in damaged skin cells, darkening, weakening, and causing skin problems such as sunburn and dermatitis. And may trigger some skin diseases. In addition, UV rays also stimulate the production of free radicals (Free Radicals) within the body. When this type of substance increases, it will result in the body being out of balance and causing health problems as a result UFABET
Beta-carotene is Antioxidants of a type when received into the body. Antioxidants bind with free radicals, causing the body to remain in balance. Therefore, it may help protect the skin and reduce the effects of UV rays. In addition, beta-carotene is One form of alternative treatment In patients with skin hypersensitivity to light (EPP: Erythropoietic Protoporphyria), who are more at risk of being affected by UV rays than other groups of people.
However, the properties of beta-carotene protect the skin from sun damage only to a certain extent. Therefore, to protect the skin more effectively. Always wear high SPF sunscreen and wear protective clothing when exposed to the sun.

2. Helps improve memory and stimulate brain function.
Overall study on the properties of fruits and vegetables. which is a food group rich in vitamins Antioxidants and minerals Most studies agree that fruits and vegetables Including fruits and vegetables that contain beta-carotene helps to enhance memory efficiency. Maintain brain function and reduce the risk of brain disease such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease
One study looked at beta-carotene supplements for 18 years and found that participants actually had better memory and brain function. Compared to another group of people who did not use this type of supplement. Although the results look interesting But this experiment will take a long time to show results. And the results increased only slightly. In the meantime, other factors may be involved and result in easily inaccurate results. Moreover, using supplements for a long time may have a risk of side effects. Therefore, choosing to eat fruits and vegetables to get complete nutrients may be safer and more beneficial.